Vergriff sich „Randy Andy“ auch an Kindern in Banderastan?

Kinder als Gußfiguren im Garten. Quelle: Pixabay

London, VK (Weltexpress). Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, genannt Prinz Andrew, ist ein Bruder des britischen Königs Charles III. aus dem Haus Windsor, vormals Sachsen-Copburg und Gotha. Richtig, das englisch-britische Königshaus ist im Grunde genommen ein deutsches. Und der Prinz Andrew genannte Mann sei angeblich ein Kinderficker, der wohl nicht nur im VK und den VSA Kinder mißbrauchte, sondern auch im am Reißbrett entstandenen Kunststaat am Rand von Rußland, der deswegen Ukraine genannt wird. Dort waren die Kinder offensichtlich billiger.

Manish Jha informiert unter der Überschrift „Britain’s Prince Andrew accused of sexual abuse during visit to Ukraine – An eyewitness claimed that he saw Prince Andrew misbehaving with 2 children at a club in Kyiv.“ in „News9live“ (2.9.2023) darüber, daß der im Allgemeinen als „Randy Andy“ (deutsch „Geiler Andy“) und insbesondere von Emma Gruenbaum als „ständiger Sex-Plagegeist“ genannte Mann Kinder in Kiew mißbrauchte, das ist nun offiziell in der Welt. Als Kronzeuge dient den Journalisten James Obasi, der „laut eigenen Angaben mit der Betreuung der britischen Delegation in dem Club in Kiew betraut gewesen sein will“, wie es auch in „RT DE“ (4.9.2023) heißt. Was Obasi zu sagen hatte, das ist in „Bitchute“ (3.9.2023) unter dem Titel „Prince Andrew Accused of Sexually Abusing Young Kids During Visit To Ukraine Last Year“ zu hören.

„It was a Monday evening. I was in the VIP lounge making sure everything was smooth. The club directo came up. He warned me that a super VIP guest was coming. So I should make sure everything was very very accurate. And yu know because of my English skills I’m usually asked to serve special clients when VIP guests from Europe visit the club. About an hour later some armed men wearning camo came in and frisked me that’s how things usually happen since the war ws starting in the Ukraine. I was asked to taken to the closed part of the club together with the director. He told me I should be very polite and accomodating to this super VIP that was coming. And trust me usually I have no idea who I’m going to serve. But thins tim I was able to recognize the guest was Prince Andrew from England. Also I was able to recognize him because I’ve read about him in a magazine. And honestly when I saw him I was really really shocked. At frist he wasn’t alone. There were some people with him. However after a couple of hours the people left and Andrew was the onyl one left in the room. I thought the whole party was over. Just then a guy wring a uniform entered the room with two little children. I think their age would be about ten or eleven at most twelve years. It wa a boy and a girl. Andrew started taling to them, asking their names. The girl introduced herself as Olena and the guy Dmytro. Andrew politely asked me to bring something for the kids so I quickly rushed to get some cheesecakes, pancakes you know, the usual snacks for kids. But while I was doing that I was still confused. I didn`t know what the kids would be doing in such a place at such a time. I go back with all the stuff five minutes later and I saw something very very disturbing. The children stood there in front of Andrew half-naked. They were sobbing you know as if they were forced to do something. He tried comforting them. He was calming them down from what I saw. He touched them in inappropriate parts. Bro, that day was terrible. Without saying a word I just left the food on the table and… I was rushing because I dind’nt want to see anything. But an hour later I was called back to that room. The children were almost completely naked. They were behaving in an weird way as if they were drugged or drunk. It was just not normal the way they were behaving compared to when they were initially brought in. The Price was agitated. His eyes were shiny in a weird way. He told me to get the kids dressed. Two guys came in. One ot them gave the Prince a nod and they left the room. The other one told me to get the kids dressed. But before that he was talking to the kids in Ukrainian. I dindn’t actually understand what he said but all I could hear was Disneyland and Paris. So probably he was asking them if they would like to go there or something. The kids were still acting in a weird way. I just told them everything would be fine. They should stop crying, but they still kept crying. The boy stuck to me. He was just holding me tight. Bro, I was, I was so wak emotionally. I nearly cried myself, because of the way the keds were acting… The uniform guy then told me to follow him with the kids and bring them up to where the helipad was. I came closer and the guy in camo took the children from me and brought them into the helicopter. At that time I saw Andrew and two other passengers inside. The gurads told me I was free to go. And on my wa I heard the helicopter took off. Bro, if you were there to witness the fear in the children’s eyes, the way they were acting, while I was handing them over it was heartbreaking. I’ve never seen anything like that. Never! So… The next few days it was just terrible for me. I wa so down emotionally. I really tried to understand what was going on. I really wanted to know, but I couldn’t fathom anything. It was a bad experience to be a part of … I didn’t understand what the children went through on that day and what I could have done, what I could have done, Bro, because I was there. Oh, man… This experience is something I don’t want anyone else to witness, because I#m still traumatized by this. Anytime I see kids with aduls at the same moment crying, Bo, it just brings back memories, you know. So back in Ukraine I just packed my stuff and left for Nigeria. Now I think it was even a bigger mistake. I shouldn’t have left. I should have told someone about it. I should’ve told the police, but you know… Or even the press…“

An die Presse hat sich James Obasi nun gewandt. Die Aussagen des Zeugen können auch wir nicht überprüfen. Doch immer mehr Zeugen sagen über Missetaten des Prinz Andrew genannten aus.

Seit dem faschistischen Putsch gegen den frei gewählten Präsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch im Februar 2014 und dem sich anschließenden Bürgerkrieg und Angriffskrieg gegen die Volksrepubliken Donezk und Lugansk mit Invasion und Besatzung gilt der Banderastan genannte Staat, der korrupteste in ganz Europa, als El Dorado für Drogen-, Organ- und Menschenhandel im Allgemeinen und Kinderhandel im Besonderen. Offizell und für die Unterlagen werden Kinder, auch Kleinkinder in dem korrupten und bankrotten faschistischen Staat zur Adoption freigegeben. Auch sogenannte Leihmütterschaften sind in Banderastan ein großes und gewinnbringendes Geschäft.

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